I was hired to build the brand book of the company, and I cannot find which font is this! please help me to find it. Thought it was Monesta Light but it doesnt match.
I was hired to build…
Bom dia, por favor qual é o nome da fonte que está escrito “Tais Toledo” agradeço!
Bom dia, por favor qual…
Does anyone know this font? Make sure you search and identify this font carefully based on the image. Don’t misidentify the font with the wrong font based on the image, thank you.
Does anyone know this font?…
Qual o nome da fonte usada em PROFETIZANDO AS NAÇÕES?
Qual o nome da fonte…
What is the font “authoral” help me please!
What is the font “authoral”…
Quais foram as fontes usadas em “GLÓRIA” e “FERNANDA BRUM” ?
Quais foram as fontes usadas…