Candelia Signature Font

Candelia Signature Font Candelia Font Candelia Font Candelia Signature Font Candelia Signature Font
Candelia Signature Font Candelia Font Candelia Font Candelia Signature Font Candelia Signature Font

Candelia Signature Font

Candelia Signature Font is a beautiful handwritten font. Made in combination with hand lettering, it comes with dramatic movement and it’s great for any next creative project that needs a signature vibe or modern touch. Introducing Candelia Font. It’s a handwritten signature script with a natural and stylish flow. Fall in love with its timeless charm! Perfect for branding projects, Logo design, Clothing Branding, product packaging, magazine headers, or simply as a stylish text overlay to any background image.

This is the demo version which was made for you to try out the font in your projects.
This means you can NOT use it for personal or commercial aims.

Candelia Signature designed By Azzam Ridhamalik, currently being sold in creativefabrica, with $12. Please buy this font to donate to him: HERE

: Nov 28, 2019
: 9,000
View all Glyphs Candelia-Regular The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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