Galinta Signature Font

Galinta Signature Font Galinta Signature Font Galinta Font Galinta Font Galinta Signature Font
Galinta Signature Font Galinta Signature Font Galinta Font Galinta Font Galinta Signature Font

Galinta Signature Font

Befonts introduces you to the fonts of a special typeface, a very enthusiastic font of the author, I tried to use for my new project, and was highly appreciated by customers, you try it. use it, and if possible buy this font copyright to support the author. Galinta Font is a handwritten signature script with a natural & stylish flow. This collection of scripts is perfect for personal branding. This works well for many applications. Everything from personal branding & wedding invitations to advertising could benefit from this signature fonts.

Galinta Signature work well for many different aesthetics. They work well with something like ‘cosmetics’ for example but would also work well with Liquor Labels, Signage, & any type of signature-styled logo.

It’s an created by Letterido. This DEMO font is for PERSONAL USE ONLY!

Link to purchase the full version and commercial license: HERE

Thank You

: Nov 5, 2019
: 7,631
View all Glyphs Galinta free The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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