Kiss Me or Not Font
Introducing Kiss Me or Not Font! Kiss Me or Not designed and shared by Misti’s Fonts. This is a romantic and lovely typeface. Handwritten typeface for your design: wedding calligraphy, logo, slogan, decor postcard, greeting card.
Special Symbols
Type * (asterisk) for the lips
Type \ (back slash) font the heart border (also connects between letters)
Type _ (underscore) for swash that connects letters Kiss_Me
Type | (vertical bar) for solid heart
Type ~ (tilde) for open heart
Type [] (brackets) for small swashes or
Type {} (curly braces) for medium swashes {Kiss Me}
Type () (parentheses) for big swashes (Not)
Thanks very much to Misti’s Fonts, has shared this wonderful font. This is the demo version, please visit his store for more other products, and buying fonts support him.