Big John / Slim Joe Font

33efc119484739.562dcbf9e7752 45b66419484739.562e3983189a6 3faef119484739.562e478ec5302 1c861319484739.562e3ab1a64e5 063aac19484739.562e3ab5711e3 b29e7919484739.562e3ab19dedb 9ce6c619484739.562dcb62d49c5 32827a19484739.562ddc13d3979 14a87319484739.562decc5784d6 4d1bc319484739.562ded2178d08


Big John / Slim Joe – FREE Font

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: Nov 13, 2015
: 219,846
View all Glyphs slim-joe The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
View all Glyphs big-john The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


  1. I love this font, but I would suggest making the S a little bigger so that it goes slightly beyond the baseline and ascender line. This will help it to look the same size as other characters.

  2. Nice Font, but what the hell its happens with S letter?? I think you have frget and has not time for correct design 😉 Relation and Shape absolutely wrong… Send mail, if fixed the fint please, Thanks!

  3. Hey, i noticed a lot of critique on the “S” letter. I agree with the critiques. Please take the time to interact with your critiques and please correct the S.
    Great font, none the less.

  4. Hola, soy novata, una vez que me he descargado la fuente como la puedo usar en photoshop? la tengo guardada en una carpeta en el secritorio .

  5. Nice Font, but what the hell its happens with S letter?? I think you have frget and has not time for correct design ? Relation and Shape absolutely wrong… Send mail, if fixed the fint please, Thanks!

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