Casualista Font

Casualista Font is an authentic brush script typeface that brings a raw and energetic vibe to your designs. Crafted with detailed brushes, each letter flows seamlessly into the next, creating a sense of continuity and fluidity that mimics the natural rhythm of handwriting.

With its connected letters and intricate brush detailing, Casualista exudes warmth and authenticity, adding a personal touch to your designs. The flowing strokes and organic shapes give this font a relaxed and inviting feel. In addition, enjoy the features here.

Thanks very much to Din Studio. Casualista Font just personal use only, if you need for commercial use and full version please download in here.

: Mar 19, 2024
: 5,489
View all Glyphs CasualistaPersonalUse-yYwdm The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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