ChapterOne Display Font

ChapterOne Display Font

ChapterOne Display Font

ChapterOne Display Font

ChapterOne Display Font

ChapterOne Display Font


ChapterOne Display Font

I will introduce to you a new font, if you are implementing a new project, is designed books, or are looking for a collection of fonts, then this will be good for you. Introducing ChapterOne Display Font! A new font families. ChapterOne was designed by DikasStudio. ChapterOne have 4 Style : Clean, Press, Rough & Vintage with vintage condensed character and opentype feature its very helpfull to get Vintage design. This pack include extras logo and you can edit that. Suitable and applicable to create vintage design, branding, logos, product packaging, invitation, qoutes, t-shirt, label poster etc.

Thanks very much to DikasStudio, ChapterOne is free for personal use, for Commercial Use please visit his shop under the link below, and buying fonts to support him. Please download and enjoy, or can search more similar fonts on befonts.

: Mar 8, 2017
: 7,001
View all Glyphs chapterone-vintage-free The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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