Chiesty Script Font

Chiesty Script Font
Chiesty Script Font

Chiesty Script Font is a sweet script font that You can implement chiesty font to your various design like Wedding Invitation, quotes, ID card, boutique logo, branding, hang tag, sosial media, print, poster and many more.

Chiesty Script Font is very easy to access because we have given PUA Encoded and divide special characters into opentype features such as ligature and alternate so you can access them with programs that have opentype support.
If the program you are using does not yet have opentype support, you can also access the opentype feature through the Character map (Window) or font book (Mac)

This font PERSONAL USE ONLY ( Non Commercial Use )

Get Commercial License only $10 :

License List :

1. Personal Use License
2. Commercial Use License
3. Web LIcense
4. E-Pub License
5. App/Game License
6. Extended License
7. Broadcast License
8. Monetized Sosial Media License
9. Server LIcense
10.Corporate License

If you need one of the license above, please let me know by email.

Email : [email protected]

Link Paypal for donation :

NOTE : If you violate the license, we will impose a fine of $1000



Font ini hanya untuk penggunaan pribadi, tidak diperuntukan untuk keperluan komersil seperti cetak undangan,print,poster,sablon dan bentuk apapun yang menghasilkan keuntungan/profit.

Untuk penggunaan komersil anda bisa membeli Lisensi Komersial di link di bawah ini :

Daftar Lisensi :

1. Lisensi Penggunaan Pribadi
2. Lisensi Penggunaan Komersil
3. Lisensi Web
4. Lisensi E-Pub
5. Lisensi App/Game
6. Lisensi Extended
7. Lisensi Broadcast
8. Lisensi Monetized Sosial Media
9. Lisensi Server
10.Lisensi Perusahaan

Jika anda butuh salah satu lisensi diatas,jangan ragu untuk memberitahu saya melalui email.

CATATAN : Jika anda melakukan pelanggaran lisensi maka kami akan kenakan denda sebesar $1000.

: Apr 1, 2020
: 5,010
: singapur21
View all Glyphs Chiesty.otf The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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