Cresie Font

Cresie Calligraphy Font
Cresie Calligraphy Font

Cresie Calligraphy Font

This is a lovely and timeless handwritten font. It is the best choice for creating eye catching logos, branding and quotes. Every letter has a unique and beautiful touch, which will make your design come alive!

Cresie can be used for various projects including but not limited to wedding invitations and wedding suites, stationery, packaging, feminine branding, logos, greeting cards, quotes, and prints.

Cresie Font is DEMO font not contain all of its unicode glyphs, and for PERSONAL USE ONLY. But every donation is greatly appreciated. Link to purchase full version and commercial license : HERE


: Nov 15, 2021
: 4,635
: ReyreyBlue
View all Glyphs Cresie.otf The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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