Glaw Display Font

Glaw Display Font
Glaw Display Font

Glaw Display Font is a display typeface inspired by Hanna-Barbera cartoon titles of the 1950’s,60’s & 70’s. Bold and punchy, full alphabet from A-Z, complete number set and supporting glyphs. A new carefully crafted Fonts from Ilham Herry to bring a new heavy look of Psychedelic Theme. The Ideas of this fonts are from 70s, Psychedelic, Funk, Hippie, Party, Music and Etc. Even though it’s a specific theme for this fonts. It doesn’t ruled out the possibility of creating a new style or themes. Glaw Created with a 3 Weight on the traditional OTF, Condensed, Regular and Expanded. Not Just that, If your software are support for Variable Fonts like Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop, The Weight are going to 100 Weight !.

Glaw Best used for a Large Text such as Headline, Poster, Branding, Logos, Concert, Branding and Any other use that needs a Heavy looks for the Title. Our creation on the display to give you a reference what it looks like on your project. It shows that how Glaw will look on your design style.

Glaw Display Font free for personal use, please visit his store for more other products, and buying fonts support him. Link to purchase full version and commercial license: FULL VERSION COMMERCIAL

: Jul 19, 2020
: 8,666
View all Glyphs GlawTypeface-Condensed (Personal Use) The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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