Google Fonts For Typography Posters
Posters that will help you showcase your work in the best way possible. And to create beautiful and eye-catching posters, there is no need for professional typography. Google Fonts is an interactive directory of free hosted application programming interfaces for web fonts. It was launched in 2010 and revamped in 2011. Many of the fonts are released under the SIL Open Font License 1.1, while some are released under the Apache License, both are free software licenses .
The following is a synthesis project of fonts from google font. Compiled by Piotr Jakubowski, provided detailed font formatting for each style and how it can be achieved. Thanks to Piotr Jakubowski.
01. Shrikhand Font
02. Monoton Font
03. Roboto Condensed Font / Rubik Font
04. Oswald Font
05. Pirata One Font
06. Barrio Font
07. Playfair Display Font
08. Bangers Regular Font
09. Knewave Font
10. Montserrat / Poppins Font
11. Yellowtail / Walter Turncoat Font
12. Creepster Font
: May 31, 2017
: 22,958