Grunk Bold Typeface

Grunk Bold Typeface
Grunk Bold Typeface

Grunk Bold Typeface

Our products prioritize big media and the Headline of your design project.
Named Grunk Bold Display. Great for editorial or display projects, even for print media. In this typeface, we emphasize some curved corners as a characteristic of the character. We take approach to the legibility of this typeface on simple letterform, tight angles, and flexible line curves in each typeface.

Technically, this typeface has 2 mainstay features: the alternate character that looks boxy and at the same time looks groovy and very modern. Then there\’s the experimental Ligatures feature as precise as standard characters. Then, the feature that we always include in each of our works is the multilingual characters, especially the extended Latin characters that provide almost 100 languages.

: Jun 27, 2022
: 7,132
: CasloopStudio
View all Glyphs Grunk-DMO-Bold.ttf The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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