Hardipe Display Font

Hardipe Display Font

It’s a simple, modern, yet stylish, sans serif font that will make your logo and design looks more simple and stylish. With the unique characteristic lowercase, this font can make your logo even more stunning. You can use this font for any purpose, especially to make logotype. You can mix and match the uppercase and lowercase to make your logo more stand out. Hardipe also comes with italic version that have different vibes. This font also comes with number, symbol, and multilingual support!

Big thanks to Sarid Ezra for providing us this free font. Hardipe Display Font is the free demo version that contains only Uppercase, Lowercase, and Numeral Characters. So, if you want to access more features, feel free to check out the full version.

: Mar 31, 2022
: 5,374
View all Glyphs Hardipedemo-mLBBx The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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