Karsten Serif Font

Karsten Serif Font, designed by Nasir Udin is a new elegant serif typeface inspired by signs on some old Dutch-buildings in Java. Then in the making, it blends with modern style. It’s a synthesis between two cultures, the East & the West. The typeface was named after the Dutch architect who gave major contributions to architecture and town planning in Indonesia, Herman Thomas Karsten.

It comes in nine weights from thin to black with matching italics. Its mixture of weights provide a wide range of styles that will help you find the best vibe for your projects, for headlines or a short paragraph.

Karsten Serif Font is DEMO font not containing all of its glyphs, and for PERSONAL USE ONLY. But every donation is greatly appreciated.

Link to purchase full version and commercial license: HERE

: Feb 25, 2021
: 6,955
View all Glyphs Nasir Udin - Karsten-ThinItalic The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
View all Glyphs Nasir Udin - Karsten-ThinAlt The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
View all Glyphs Nasir Udin - Karsten-Thin The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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