Nolliga Font

Nolliga Display Font

This font inspired by classic and luxury typography. Allenia Font is a very versatile font manufactured by Alit Suarnegara. The details of the “Nolliga Typeface” shape are very subtle and flow creating unique and gorgeous curves. Elegant serif like “Nolliga Typeface” are very easy to apply to any design, especially those with an elegant and smooth concept, apart from that this font is very easy to use in both design and non-design programs because all alternates and glyphs are supported by Unicode (PUA).

Nolliga Display Font is DEMO font not containing all of its glyphs, and for PERSONAL USE ONLY. But every donation is greatly appreciated.

Link to purchase full version and commercial license: HERE


: Sep 6, 2021
: 4,473
View all Glyphs NolligaRegular-Wyr4A The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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