Plena Font

Plena Sans Serif Font

This is unique and modern all-caps sans serif typeface manufactured by Arodora Type. Can make it easier to convey the message in your design. All glyphs have incision and unified alternatives and can be shaped for your intended use.

This font is crafted for different design trends and would look great for your large print banner headers. It can be preferred by the designer in accordance with its intended use and can be used impressively and strikingly with its large family on different platforms.

This version is only a demo version with limited features that may only be used for personal purposes. If you’re interested in using Plena for commercial projects, take a look at the full version.

: Jan 19, 2022
: 7,073
View all Glyphs Plena-MediumItalic The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
View all Glyphs Plena-Medium The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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