Plymouth Handwritten Font

Plymouth Handwritten Font
Plymouth Handwritten Font

Plymouth Handwritten Font is a Casual Signature script font perfect for creating slick & stylish writing. This font is perfect for all kinds of designs: quotes, t-shirts, branding, social media, magazines, cards, packaging, etc. Uppercase characters have a swash as well as each lowercase character has a separate ‘end-swash’ version, use this for the last letter in a word to give it a custom style.

This font is PUA encoded which means you can access all of the amazing glyphs and ligatures with ease!

This demo font is for PERSONAL USE ONLY!
But any donation are very appreciated.

To purchase full version and commercial :
Simply donate from $9 to [email protected] for commercial use of any kind.

Please visit store affiliate for more great fonts :

My instagram : @vaiminit


: Aug 17, 2023
: 4,906
: vaiminit
View all Glyphs Plymouth-BF64dd0a18e5799.ttf The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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