Prometheus Font

Prometheus Font
Prometheus Font

Since I was a teenager and the ALIEN egg hatched into a face hugger in the first movie I was hooked, I can’t wait to see what happens in the prequel, I saw one of the posters today and was hooked on the font that was used I couldn’t find it anywhere so here is the initial release of my latest fan-font.

: Oct 30, 2019
: 8,589
: SpideRaYsfoNtS
View all Glyphs PROMETHEUS-2.ttf The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


  1. Hi there,
    I’m really keen to buy a license for the use of your Prometheus font on my band logo.
    It would be perfect. I’ve sent previous emails but have had no reply, so I’m trying again.
    I’ve tried following all links to your Etsy and other sites but they all lead to a dead end with no way of purchasing the license.
    Can you please reply to this message and contact me regarding the best method to purchase this font license from you.
    Regards, Roderick


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