Traffalgar D’ Signature Font is an elegant handwritten signature with a natural style. This collection is perfect for personal branding that intends to be used as a watermark and business card.
Traffalgar D’ Signature font also can be used for various purposes such as wedding invitation, graphic design, print design, web design, logo, branding, and others.
Features :
– Upercase & lowercase
– Numeral & punctuation
– Multi-language support
This demo version is for PERSONAL USE ONLY But any donation is very appreciated.
Paypal account for donation: https://www.paypal.me/RudiWin
Link to purchase full version and COMMERCIAL:
– https://crella.net/product/trafalgar-d-signature/
– https://www.creativefabrica.com/product/trafalgar-d-signature/ref/236978/
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