Varsity Font

Varsity Font

Varsity Font is an old-school display font designed by Brøderbund Software. The strong, geometric letterforms of this typeface incorporate a heavy texture and were inspired by college and university sportswear, making Varsity an excellent choice for any professional project especially those related to sports, leisure, outdoors, and any other elegant leisure activities.

Varsity Font

This font is not intended for text use, it is instead suitable for headlines, logotypes, branding, and similar applications. The uppercase character set is in outline but the lowercase letters are the same shapes but solid.

Font Free Vintage Varsity was inspired by that classic iron-on letterman jacket your “cool” uncle wore in high school (and lets be real, probably still wears today).

Developed by studio and given to free access. The author of the font is Freebies.


  • TTF font file.

This is a free product, for more please cost our website:

: Sep 12, 2022
: 19,005
: Igor Grovich
View all Glyphs varsity_regular.ttf THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG


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