Wake Up Bro Font By Violet MX
2 years ago, I bought a 50 cent brush pen & started writing some numbers and letters on a piece of paper. Then I digitized the characters. That gave birth to this font. I didn’t know what to call it back then.
The font sat in my laptop for a couple of years. I didn’t really have plans to release it, or whatever. Then something came up over 2 weeks ago: a childhood friend suffered a heart attack & slipped into a coma. His health insurance coverage from work has been maxed out. True (& sad) story.
I usually charge for my fonts, but I’m making this 1 “Donationware”. If you find it useful, any donation to my friend’s family (these go to his medical bills) would be greatly appreciated http://gogetfunding.com/wakeupbro
$1 is fine, but please share this page on social media if you’ve got a bit more love to give.