Zilap Minimalist Sans Serif Font

Zilap Minimalist Sans Serif Font is highly legible rounded sans serif font manufactured by Zilap Estudio, which includes only lowercase letters, with an innovative, fresh, and very geometric design. The typeface could be perfect choice for logo / logotype design, branding, marketing graphics, banners, posters, signage, corporate identities as well as for editorial design that can bring freshness and professionalism.

Zilap Minimalist Sans Serif Font is DEMO font not containing all of its glyphs, and for PERSONAL USE ONLY. But every donation is greatly appreciated.

Link to purchase full version and commercial license: HERE 

: Mar 28, 2021
: 8,214
View all Glyphs ZilapMinimalistDemo-nR1vg The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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