Akceler Font Family is a modern and authentic font family crafted & designed by Adtypo. It is usable for many prints – logotypes, magazines, catalogues, posters etc. Elasticity of glyphs reflected an adrenalinous shapes of latest bikeframes, skies or sportcars. Maximum open arches guaranteed good readability in very small sizes and prevented interchanges of glyphs „o, c, e“ per poor reading conditions. Softness of lowercase is at uppercase balanced in bottom arches, that are subtly kicked-up. Numerals are an important component of sport communication, so this font offers expressive design, different from numerals of book typefaces. Every font has 9 kinds of numerals. Character case contains over 1000 glyphs, sport icons and othes signs creating the sport feeling. The font name, Akceler, represents acceleration, which is characteristic attribute of this typeface. It’s suitable for display and text usage, too.
Akceler Font free for personal use. Please download and enjoy, or can search more similar fonts on befonts. Link to purchase full version and commercial license Click HERE.