Cotton Candies Calligraphy Font

Cotton Candies Calligraphy Font
Cotton Candies Calligraphy Font

This Cotton Candies Calligraphy Font comes with a modern and vintage touch in it. This font is designed and shared by Dav studio. It’s a bold script font with alternate subtitute, also features multilangual support, numeral and punctuation, and ligatures.

This font is great for your design projects such as logos, posters, invitation cards, packaging, badges, types of logos, clothing designs, labels and more.

This is the demo version. Cotton Candies Calligraphy Font free for personal use, please visit his store for more other products, and buying fonts support him. Link to purchase full version and commercial license: FULL VERSION COMMERCIAL

: Sep 6, 2020
: 6,120
View all Glyphs CottonCandies-eZpvm The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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