Dékó Font

Dékó Font

Dékó Font

Dékó Font


Dékó Display Font

I want to introduce to you a new display font, and is free. That is Dékó Font! Dékó designed by Ingo Zimmerman, and is published by ingoFonts. Dékó is a display sans font. Dékó is not really a font as such. Dékó is just decorative. But completely without frills. Geometric stems which are arranged in a square result in small graphic works of art. The characters are just barely still recognizable as letters. Each letter is its own little logo…

Thanks to ingoFonts. This is the free version. Dékó Font free for personal use, please visit his store for more other products, and buying fonts support him.

: Jan 15, 2017
: 6,138
View all Glyphs deko-blakk The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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