Donatella Handwritten Font

Donatella Handwritten Font Donatella Handwritten Font Donatella Font Donatella Handwritten Font Donatella Handwritten Font
Donatella Handwritten Font Donatella Handwritten Font Donatella Font Donatella Handwritten Font Donatella Handwritten Font

Donatella Handwritten Font

Continue to be a handlettered font. Introducing Donatella Font. It’s are elegant handwritten fonts, with texture, to be as authentic as possible while still being able to read clearly on your project. Donatella is a truly versatile font – combining sophisticated, casual and even fun sides depending on the style you use. A complete set of upper and lower case letters, and a second set of lowercase letters, Donatella – Handwritten Font also has 37 Ligatures

Thanks to Arendxstudio. Donatella – Demo Font Only. Standard and Commercial licenses available here: Complete font for purchase –

: Aug 4, 2019
: 5,478
View all Glyphs Donatella The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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