Facultad Typeface

Facultad Typeface

Facultad Typeface

Facultad TypefaceFacultad Typeface

Facultad Typeface

Continue to be a new free font. Designed and shared by Andrés Torres. A designer from Cuenca, Ecuador. Introducing Facultad! This project focuses on the design of an institutional typeface by using analog and digital methods, the morphological exploration of signs and modern structures and based on classic lines to generate a proposal that will be used in headlines by the Faculty of Arts of the University of Cuenca, Ecuador. The methodology was based on the approach proposed by Karen Cheng in her book “Designing type” with some adjustments made to optimize working time. The regular version of Facultad is a project developed as a baseline for the creation of a type family that includes several weights and variants.

Thanks to Andrés Torres. Facultad Font free for personal and commercial use. Please download and enjoy, or can search more similar fonts on befonts.

: Feb 5, 2018
: 10,753
View all Glyphs facultad-regular The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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