Serif Fonts

Serif Font is a typeface or “font family” making use of serifs is called a serif typeface (or serifed typeface), and a typeface that does not include them is sans-serif.

Serif fonts are usually used in lengthy text, such as books, newspapers, and most magazines and are the most commonly used printed typestyle due to perceived …

Some of the most commonly used serif fonts include Times New Roman, Garamond, Baskerville, Georgia, and Courier New. Some of the most popular sans serif fonts on the black include Arial, Helvetica, Proxima Nova, Futura, and Calibri.


Chameleon consists of 16 fonts based on 3 completely different designs. Different but specially designed to complement each other. Together they form a well-balanced...

Brownstone Slab

Alejandro Paul's Brownstone Slab is based on his own popular, award-winning, Brownstone Sans typeface.   Download

Realist Font

Realist Font font display is made by hand, inspired by classic posters. With a combination of highly vintage feels and the OpenType features put...

Slab Sheriff Font

Slab Sheriff Font Family Match and Kerosene is proud to present its debut font, Slab Sheriff. The design was inspired by Caslon’s Italian type work from...