Google Fonts Combinations For Design Project

Google Fonts Combinations For Design Project

To start a design project, it is important to look for a typeface that fits your design, and what typeface to pair with. Google Fonts is an interactive directory of free hosted application programming interfaces for web fonts. It was launched in 2010 and revamped in 2011. Many of the fonts are released under the SIL Open Font License 1.1, while some are released under the Apache License, both are free software licenses .

The following is a synthesis project of fonts from google font. Compiled by Milo Themes, provided detailed font formatting for each style and how it can be achieved. Thanks to Milo Themes.


01. Playfair Display / Fauna One

Google Fonts Combinations For Design Project


02. Quattrocento / Fanwood text

Google Fonts Combinations For Design Project


03. Open Sans / Prata

Google Fonts Combinations For Design Project


04. Alfa Slab / Gentium Book Basic

Google Fonts Combinations For Design Project


05. Nixie One / Libre Baskerville

Google Fonts Combinations For Design Project


06. Julius Sans One / Crimson Text

Google Fonts Combinations For Design Project


07. Oswald / Quattrocento

Google Fonts Combinations For Design Project


08. Mr De Haviland / Neuton

Google Fonts Combinations For Design Project


09. Old Standard TT / Questrial

Google Fonts Combinations For Design Project


10. Playfair Display / Slabo

Google Fonts Combinations For Design Project


11. Oswald / Open Sans

Google Fonts Combinations For Design Project


12. Sintony / Dancing Script

Google Fonts Combinations For Design Project


13. Muli / Playfair Display

Google Fonts Combinations For Design Project


14. Sintony / Poppins

Google Fonts Combinations For Design Project


15. Rufina / Oxygen

Google Fonts Combinations For Design Project

: May 29, 2017
: 29,447



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