Happy Camper Font


Happy Camper – Free Font

Happy Camper is a brush lettered typeface available free for personal use only. Freebie designed by Erika Fisher.

Erika Fisher is a Graphic Designer based out of San Francisco, CA. Likes include (but are not limited to): a strong wi-fi signal, over-salting her food, and squats. Dislikes include: the smell of urine in unsuspecting places, paper cuts, and squats. Follow her on Instagram: @ErikaFisherDesign

: Jun 17, 2016
: 55,435
View all Glyphs Happy-Camper-Regular The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


  1. is the happy camper font still free for commercial use? It says in the description of it that it is free for commercial use, but then later below it only says free for commercial use. I wanted to make sure before I used it to sell things


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