Highwind Typeface

Highwind Typeface

Hi designer. Introducing Highwind! It is designed and shared by Twicolabs. Highwind is a condensed all-caps serif that are borrowed the shape and style from the famous Final Fantasy logo. Author made this font as a homage to the one of the best RPG franchises that i ever played. Enjoy Highwind and take the skies!

Thanks to the Twicolabs, This is the free version. Borsok Font free for personal and commercial use. Please download and enjoy, or can search more similar fonts on befonts.

: Jul 29, 2018
: 17,528
View all Glyphs Highwind The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
View all Glyphs Highwind Italic The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


  1. The extremely common Final Fantasy font will NOT work on my computer, no matter where I download it from. Thank you for making HIGHWIND. This has saved my entire work project!


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