Jolie Neville Display Font

Jolie Neville Display Font
Jolie Neville Display Font

Jolie Neville Display Font is a completely unique and custom font with a Mid Century twist, inspired by vintage and hand painted retro signs. It’s designed and shared by Pierre-Yvon Carnoy. This font is an experimental display typeface, a hommage with formal constraints to 80s and 90s fonts such as Modula by Zuzana Licko, Industria by Neville Brody, FF Rosetta by Max Kisman…

Thanks Pierre-Yvon Carnoy for creating such a great font! Jolie Neville Display Font is free for personal & commercial use. Please download and enjoy, or can search more similar fonts on befonts.


: Mar 30, 2021
: 5,141
View all Glyphs JolieNeville-Regular.otf The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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