Kråketær Typeface

Kråketær Typeface

Kråketær Typeface

Hi love the fonts. I would like to introduce to you a determined slab-serif with 245 glyphs. Introducing Kråketær! It is designed and shared by Renate B Hagen. Kråketær is a slab-seriffed typeface inspired by witch-hazel in nature. The process of creating it as a graphic design student was such a challenge that I named it “Kråketær” which is the Norwegian word for crow’s feet – which is what we not only would call fine wrinkles, but also letters that are unlegible.

Thanks to Renate B Hagen, This is the free version. Kråketær Font free for personal use. Please download and enjoy, or can search more similar fonts on befonts. You can donate to him if you like fonts here:

: Mar 8, 2018
: 5,909
View all Glyphs kraketaer-regular The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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