Luvenia Sans Serif Font

Luvenia Sans Serif Font
Luvenia Sans Serif Font

Luvenia Sans Serif Font created in a simplicity, a minimalist, luxury and also looks elegant. It’s designed and shared by Missingfont.std. It’s an Elegant Modern Minimalist font with beautiful character specials, lots of custom alternative glyphs, ornaments, and multilingual support. This is a very versatile font that works well in large and small sizes. Luvenia Sans Serif is perfect for branding projects, Logo designs, Clothing Branding, product packaging, magazine headers, or just as a stylish text overlay for any background image.

Thanks to Missingfont.std. Luvenia Sans Serif Font is the demo version, free for personal use only.

Link to purchase full version and commercial license: HERE

: Dec 25, 2020
: 8,143
View all Glyphs Luvenia Sans Serif free The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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