Margareth Signature Font

Margareth Signature Demo Font

Introducing Margareth Font – A elegant signature script font with original handwriting style, looks very natural and beautiful. Interesting scripts as smooth, clean, feminine, sensual, glamorous, simple and very easy to read, because there are many fancy and simple letter connections.

It is designed and shared by Vermilione. They also work well with something like cosmetics, weddings, quotes & all kinds of signature stylish logos. You won’t get cute, whimsical, funny logos with this font. MARGARETH also includes full set of uppercase and lowercase letters, multilingual symbols, numerals, punctuation. The font has thin pen ink texture, so would be perfect for all types of printing techniques you can do embroidery, laser cut, gold foil etc.

This is the DEMO version.
Get the full version and license at:

: Feb 21, 2019
: 8,820
View all Glyphs margareth demo The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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