Maxular Font

Maxular Slab Serif Font

This is a versatile and classic slab serif typeface that is an economic running slab serif with a lot of character. It is based his design for Maxular Rx, the first typeface expressly designed to address visual distortions caused by Macular Degeneration (MD).

For those with MD, serifs aid in separating one letter from another and corners are rounded to avoid distortion effects. The wide letterforms and conventional shapes keep the reading speed and comfort level high, even at very small sizes. A large x-height helps the font body appear larger to the eye. Inter-letter and word spacing is more open and greater line spacing is built-in, to prevent overcrowding in the vertical dimension even in apps and on devices that do not allow for increased line space.

Understanding that the special features of Maxular Rx may be distracting for normal-sighted readers, Skaggs re-drew many glyphs and created companion italics For Maxular to complete a versatile family of twelve fonts better for general use.

Every font in the Maxular family has a character set of over 700 glyphs, with support for 220 languages including Czech, Polish, Turkish, and Vietnamese. It also features a useful set of eight arrows in each font and a handful of fun alternate glyphs in the italics.

Maxular Slab Serif Font is provided to you by Delve Fonts. Free for personal, non-profit use. For commercial use you need to buy a license here 

: Feb 28, 2022
: 8,758
View all Glyphs maxular-rx-regular The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
View all Glyphs maxular-rx-bold The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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