Minne Petat Font

Minne Petat Font is a minimal and neat sans-serif font from designer Tup Wanders. It can easily be matched to an incredibly large set of projects, so add it to your creative ideas and notice how it makes them stand out!

I needed a BIG FAT letter to make a vertical sign. Made my own as usual and share it for free as usual. ‘Minne Petat’ is dialect for shithead in the east of the Netherlands by the way.
If you make something you like with this font, please let me know and show me. I enjoy that and it’s the reason I make (rights-) free fonts.

And if you design something commercial that’s fine as well, but remember that sending a small (or large) donation (paypal – [email protected]) to your favorite indie font designer will do wonders for your karma!

: Sep 6, 2023
: 6,206
View all Glyphs MinnePetat-OV40d The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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