Mulat Addis Sans Serif Font

Mulat Addis Sans Serif Font

Mulat Addis Sans Serif Font is a serif look with simple, clean, and formal elegance. Made from font designer named Fasil Fikreab. This typeface is a serif font that supports all languages that use the Latin script and Geez scripts. For apps that support ligatures and OpenType features, it introduces capitalization to the Geez (Ethiopic) based languages.

Thanks Fasil Fikreab for creating such a great font! Mulat Addis Sans Serif Font is free for personal & commercial use. Please download and enjoy, or can search more similar fonts on befonts.

: Mar 11, 2021
: 7,463
View all Glyphs MulatAddis-Regular.ttf The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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