Nevolasty Light Font

Nevolasty Light Font is a visually strong and impactful font style consisting only of capital letters. Per­fect for graphic design, brand­ing, pack­ag­ing design but very ver­sa­tile. With over 1000 alter­nate glyphs, this font has exten­sive Latin lan­guage sup­port for West­ern, Cen­tral, and East­ern Euro­pean and gives text a unique, ele­gant and mod­ern feel. Try mag­i­cal Styl­is­tic Set 01 with more extreme auto­matic con­tex­tual alternates.

Nevolasty Light Font is free for personal use. So, if you want to access more features and its full license contact Glukfonts designer

: Jun 28, 2023
: 6,947
View all Glyphs NevolastyLight-MVPYx The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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