Optican Sans Font

Optican Sans Font

This font designed by Fábio Duarte Martins & Simen Schikulski is a extended custom type that brings both boldness and simplicity. It’s a free typeface based on the 10 historical optotype letters seen on millions of eye charts around the world, finalising the work that was started decades ago.

The universal optometrist eye charts have been around for decades and seen by millions of people worldwide. The first standardised chart was created by Hermann Snellen in the Netherlands in 1862, before Louise Sloan designed a new set in 1959. These letters make up the now universal chart for testing visual acuity, also known as the LogMAR chart, which was developed by National Vision Research Institute of Australia. But ever since 1959, they have consisted of only 10 letters.

Optican Sans Font is free for personal & commercial use. Please download and enjoy, or can search more similar fonts on befonts.

: Jun 22, 2021
: 8,187
View all Glyphs Optician-Sans The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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