Refuse Display Font

Refuse Display Font is a modern display font with a sporty and adventurous feel to it. This all caps font can give a powerful touch to your unique designs. Made from font designer named Rafael Nascimento. a free font inspired by the challenges and contradictions of our times. The font can and should be used as a matrix for large size stencils – preferably as a resistance tool. The typographic work is a constant exercise in proposing new forms of reflection, distribution and access. The author notes that typography can stimulate diversity and give voice to those who are being silenced and oppressed, during these difficult times, offering yet another weapon to the fight.

Thanks Rafael Nascimento for creating such a great font!. Refuse Display Font is free for personal & commercial use. Please download and enjoy, or can search more similar fonts on befonts.

: Sep 27, 2020
: 5,255
View all Glyphs REFUSE The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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