Stengkol Font Family
Hi designer! It is a new font family, with 20 fonts. Introducing Stengkol Typeface! It is designed and shared by Viaction Type.Co. Stengkol Family of 20 fonts and includes a bonus illustration of cowboy themes. Slab serif with various font styles with layered fonts. It’s easy to use various fonts in one design and combined with cowboy illustrations. Stengkol Font Family is perfect for t-shirt designs, merchandise, posters, qoute, tickets, logotype and other designs. Can now this great offer, one time buy can be 20 fonts right away!
Thanks to Viaction Type.Co, This is the demo version, only 1 style. Stengkol free for personal use, please visit his store for more other products, and buying fonts support him.
For a full version in total 20 fonts & bonus illustrations: DOWNLOAD NOW!
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