Sweety Lovers Signature Font

Sweety Lovers Signature Font Sweety Lovers Signature Font Sweety Lovers Font Sweety Lovers Font
Sweety Lovers Signature Font Sweety Lovers Signature Font Sweety Lovers Font Sweety Lovers Font

Sweety Lovers Signature Font

Sweety Lovers Font is a font with a continuous handwritten script style. This font is perfect for both professional and branding needs of a product. It is design and shared by PutraCetol Studio. It’s a handwritten signature with natural ,classy and stylish flow. This font help you to create stunning handlettering quickly and easily. Sweety Lovers best uses for signature, heading, cover, branding, invitation, label, poster, logos, quotes, product packaging, header, merchandise, social media & greeting cards and many more.

This is the demo version. SweetyLovers free for personal use, please visit his store for more other products, and buying fonts support him.

Link to purchase full version and commercial license: https://crmrkt.com/M72JA3

: Aug 8, 2019
: 5,658
View all Glyphs SweetyLovers-PersonalUse The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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