Trixie Typeface

Trixie Typeface is a bold and authentic display font manufactured by drizy studio. Trixie is a futuristic, minimal and clean font layer with upper & lower case characters, multilingual letters, numbers, and punctuation. This font makes way for the creativity of each and every one. Modify, give it colors and blending to instantly give your works a futuristic feel. Trixie is great for creating eye-catching headlines and applicable for any type of graphic design web, print, motion graphics, perfect for t-shirts and other items like logos, poster/ flyer, branding, packaging, pictograms, etc.

This is the demo version. Trixie Typeface free for personal use. For the full version and commercial purposes, please visit here 

: Jun 14, 2023
: 9,228
View all Glyphs Trixie - REGULAR The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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