Varna Font

Varna Font
Varna Font
Varna Font
Varna Font
Varna Font
Varna Font
Varna Font
Varna Font
Varna Font

Varna (free font)

A modern blackletter typeface inspired by designer/artist Viktor Antonov, who’s signature style is an amalgamation of classic and modern, rustic and high-tech. He’s most famous for his art direction in games like Half-Life 2 and Dishonored. I tried to imagine what would “futuristic blackletter” in one of his worlds would look like.

Viktor is from Bulgaria and one of its cities is Varna. By coincidence, the word in Lithuanian also means “crow”. I find it fitting for a blackletter.

Thanks to: Eimantas Paškonis

: Jul 12, 2016
: 12,159


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