Zeviero Font

Zeviero Serif Font is equipped with a professional vintage character font that can present a sleek and attractive identity for your company for business purposes, such as name cards, name tags, and uniforms as elevation brands.

Zeviero is perfect for a professional touch which makes it to form unique & elegant typography designs. Zeviero is perfect for headings, flyer, greeting cards, product packaging, book cover, printed quotes, logotype, apparel design, album covers, etc.

Big thanks to PutraCetol Studio for providing us this free font. Zeviero Serif Font is the free demo version that contains only Uppercase, Lowercase, and Numeral Characters. So, if you want to access more features, feel free to check out the full version.

: Feb 7, 2023
: 4,145
View all Glyphs Zeviero-jEgGO The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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