Henju Font

Henju Sans Serif Font

This font is a new contemporary sans serif, influenced by grotesque and geometric typeface letterforms. Variable that makes you create an custom width and weight aside in the available font files. Designed to use in easy with simple looks and good readability.

The typeface is versatile to blend in your design- with 9 weight, ranging from regular, medium, thin, bold, semibold, extrabold, light, extralight and black &18 styles + variable type to touch a lot of personality. Perfect anywhere you need a right finas touches for branding, publishing, titles, book, magazine , and use on UI/UX design.

Thanks very much to Letterhend Studio. Henju Sans Serif Font just personal use only, if you need for commercial use and full version please download in here.

: Sep 5, 2021
: 6,597
View all Glyphs HenjudemoBold-0W15z The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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