Layn Font

Layn Font

Layn Font is a sans-serif typeface with a modern and futuristic feel, perfect for futuristic-style designs. The font features expansive letterforms with precise lines and smooth angles, creating a sleek and modern appearance.

Its geometric design ensures clarity and readability, while the wide stance adds a sense of grandeur and space. Perfect for sci-fi movie posters, tech branding, futuristic interfaces, and innovative product packaging, Layn font infuses your text with a cutting-edge, otherworldly vibe.

Thanks Christopher M. Gonzalez for creating such a great font! Layn Font is free for personal & commercial use. Please download and enjoy, or can search more similar fonts on befonts.

: Jun 17, 2024
: 3,987
View all Glyphs Layn The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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