LT Staircase Font

LT Staircase Font is a free vintage serif font inspired by newspapers of the early 1900’s. With rounded edges, soft wedge serifs, and narrow lettering, Postpress can make even the most modern designs feel instantly rooted in history. Postpress also reads well at small sizes, making it a great option for blogs, eBooks, UI designs, and even apps.

Thanks LyonsType for creating such a great font! LT Staircase Font is free for personal & commercial use. Please download and enjoy, or can search more similar fonts on befonts.

: Apr 12, 2023
: 6,439
View all Glyphs LT Staircase The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
View all Glyphs LT Staircase Italic The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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