Midcent 60s Font

Midcent 60s Font
Midcent 60s Font

Midcent 60s Font – A curvaceous serif typeface inspired by the ambiance of the 1960s holds the power to infuse digital designs with a captivating vintage allure. With its elegant curves and nostalgic charm, this typeface transports viewers back to an era characterized by artistic experimentation and cultural revolution. By incorporating such a typeface into digital projects, designers can evoke feelings of nostalgia and authenticity, creating a connection with audiences who appreciate the aesthetic appeal of bygone times.

: May 22, 2024
: 4,043
: sixtypefoundry
View all Glyphs Midcent60s-Demo-BF664d7f0812647.ttf The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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